The Confession takes place inside an interrogation room of a police station, and within a world where people breaking into song and dance are normal social social practices. The main characters are the detective and the suspect. At midnight, the robbery suspect, previously uncooperative, suddenly confesses her crimes through a musical number. As the detective braces himself through the suspect's theatrical antics, he learns to overcome his disdain for musical numbers in his world, and regains his long lost sense of compassion. This short film is currently in post production.

Miss Van Kingsley: Cinthia Lilen
Detective: Michael Kelleher
Director: Martin Sandahl
Producer: Linh Nguyen
Director of Photography: Etienne Leung
Sound: Orestes Mersinias
Writer/ Composer: Luke McCabe
Production Designer: Juliana Matsubara
Choreography: Sara Greene
1 st AD: Abhishek Kolge
Gaffer: Vlad Kadinsky
Script Supervisor: Marco Schleicher
Make-up: Molly Edgeley